Some time ago, in psychotherapy, endogenous depressions (that is, more biological reasons) and neurotic depressions (which may be caused by an interpersonal conflict) were distinguished separately. For example, for endogenous depression, seasonality is characteristic. Fall has come or spring has come and the mood has suddenly dropped. Early awakenings, appetite disturbances, more pronounced weight loss, bad mood in the morning and some improvement in the evening are also characteristic. If you discover such changes in your mood that last for a long time, you should seek medical advice and start treatment for depression.
Distinguishing the type of illness is the basis of treating depression
With neurotic depression, the symptoms are different: it is usually difficult to fall asleep, the decrease in appetite and body weight are less pronounced. Psychiatrists try to take these differences into account. Because the more the depression is endogenous, the more points of application in treatment. The more depression is associated with external factors, the more attention is paid to psychotherapy. However, nowadays this division is increasingly rejected, as they believe that there is both a biological and psychological component in every depression. Up to 20% of women and up to 10% of men experience a drop in mood, apathy, and a drop in energy, but not all of them take timely treatment for depression. Predispositions can be discussed at the level of a hypothesis. For example, if many of my close relatives suffer from severe depression, it is more likely.
Can depressive disorder be blamed on genes?
Yes, genetics certainly make a significant contribution. However, recent research also plays an important role: it turned out that during certain periods our body is much more sensitive to external influences. And it is able to cause serious changes that will accompany a person throughout his life. Such an impact can be an early stressful experience. For example, child neglect, physical and sexual abuse, emotional rejection. There are many studies that show that traumatic events in childhood can seriously increase the risk of developing anxiety and depression in adulthood. In such cases, treating depression with medication is not enough, psychotherapy is necessary, which will allow you to understand the basis of the negative emotions you feel.
In general, if we take any one of us, then everyone has a chance of developing depression. Is it possible that the stress may be too high for us? Maybe there won’t be enough defense to deal with it. Yes of course. In many ways, stress plays a role. If a person feels fear, loneliness and rejection, the loss of warm feelings will trigger the development of depression. Other people have a different value system, the most important for them is their status and financial situation. And, for example, bankruptcy can cause depression.
But how should a person who is being treated for depression with antidepressants feel?
If there are moments of euphoria, is that bad? Episodes where the mood is too high (especially if drowsiness has started to decrease significantly, because the person feels a surge of energy, their activity is much higher than usual), this is not a very good signal and you should inform your doctor about it. Many people are characterized not only by recessions, but also by mood swings. If the treatment of depression is accompanied by a psychotherapist, it is worth talking to him about mood volatility, it is important.
Why do many people with black and pessimistic thoughts not reach specialists and do not start treatment for depression?
The first reason is that people don’t always understand that they are depressed and need help. Secondly, there is a lack of support and understanding from loved ones. Some people think that anxiety and depressive disorders are some kind of whim. In addition, the accusation of a person that he himself is to blame for his condition may begin. Third, unfortunately in society there is an idea of psychotherapeutic care as something focused only on patients with schizophrenia and other serious mental disorders.
How many psychotherapy sessions are needed to treat depression?
Many studies show that cognitive behavioral therapy can often be effective within 10-12 sessions. This means that the job lasts three to four months if classes are held once a week. But it happens that a mood disorder is combined with deep personality disorders and conflicts. Then psychotherapy therapy can last much longer. All psychotherapists work differently. The most important thing is that only a psychiatrist should deal with the diagnosis and pharmacological treatment of depression.
First of all, you need to try to notice the pleasant moments in life and move towards your own goals and values. Spend some time warmly communicating with people you feel comfortable with. If something goes wrong, the main thing is not to despair. Even if depression has developed, there is always a way out. Effective treatment of depression is the basis for dealing with the problem and achieving recovery.