Medicinal marijuana, despite many confirmed medicinal properties, is still a topic that evokes a lot of emotions. Marijuana can be successfully used in the treatment of extremely serious diseases. In addition, it alleviates the effects of many diseases. We are talking about many cancers, epilepsy or multiple sclerosis. What is the cost of medicinal marijuana? Let’s check.
What diseases can medical marijuana treat?
Medicinal marijuana can be used to treat many conditions. The first disease is multiple sclerosis. As part of the action of marijuana, you can count on alleviating pain and muscle tension. After starting treatment, patients regain their partial fitness.
When it comes to cancer, marijuana can be used during chemotherapy. Patients can count on the relief of nausea, vomiting and nausea, which most often accompany this method of cancer treatment.
Few people know that medicinal marijuana can also be helpful with glaucoma. Marijuana significantly lowers the pressure in the eyes. This improves visual acuity. It also relieves any pain that is associated with the disease.
Medical marijuana is also recommended for glioblastoma. Then, the administration of marijuana relieves the symptoms of this cancer, which is considered the most malignant. Medical marijuana is also helpful in epilepsy. Marijuana effectively relieves all symptoms and seizures. In addition, medical marijuana helps with AIDS, cancer, ulcerative colitis, atopic dermatitis and atherosclerosis.
The difference between cannabis and sativa
Hemp is used to produce medicinal marijuana. They are often confused with cannabis. Both of these varieties have numerous medicinal properties. However, hemp does not have narcotic properties. The THC concentration in them is incredibly low. However, they contain many health properties. For example, they contain a lot of omega 3 and omega 6 acids. The seed variety has an extremely good effect on the immune, vascular and hormonal systems.
How does medicinal marijuana treat?
Medicinal marijuana owes its properties to the content of cannabinoids. Most often we use THC, and CBD, which is devoid of any psychoactive properties. We can find it in eighty percent of the drugs that are used to treat epilepsy in children. It significantly eliminates the risk of addiction itself.
Does medicinal marijuana work?
The healing effect of marijuana is confirmed not only by the research itself. The most important thing is that they are also confirmed by patients who have decided to trust this method of treatment. They say medical marijuana has a soothing effect on them. Usually, however, doctors do not want to take an official position. Despite this, in many cases, doctors recommend their patients to use this form of treatment, in the form available to them. If the patient is unable to use legal sources of marijuana, he or she can take it in other forms. They usually decide to smoke the herb, but some people choose to dissolve all cannabinoids in alcohol or fats.
First of all, before you try to get medicinal marijuana on your own, it is worth consulting your doctor. Remember that the possession of marijuana threatens us with serious legal consequences. It is a crime.
Access to medicinal cannabis remains a hot topic and much remains to be done. Currently, the drug is available especially for people who are being treated for cancer and are fighting pain of various origins.
How to buy medical marijuana?
In the countries belonging to the European Union, some drugs made on the basis of marijuana are allowed. In Poland, the availability of marijuana is still limited. If a patient intends to start treatment with medicinal marijuana, he must have a prescription written by a doctor for a non-reimbursed drug.
Another method is also target import. This means that the drug is imported from abroad and also reimbursed. However, we must be patient because the procedure is very tedious. Finally, however, we would like to point out that the Ministry agrees. However, the import of drugs itself takes a long time and, unfortunately, is quite expensive. Regardless of the path chosen, treatment with medical marijuana in our country costs up to several thousand zlotys a month. Of course, everything depends on the disease we are dealing with. It is also worth noting that such spectacular effects after medical marijuana are worth every price. Regulations regarding medicinal marijuana are constantly changing both in our country and in the European Union. Let’s keep up with them. Then we have a full understanding of how things look. It is worth reading information from reliable sources. Information should be based on regulations or laws.