When building a house, sooner or later the question will arise: What to cover the roof with? The vast majority of people choose a trapezoidal sheet and here comes another thought: which sheet to choose, which will be the best? It all depends on what surface will be covered. Below we present the characteristics and use of various types of trapezoidal sheets.
Types of trapezoidal sheets
The following types are available on the market:
- galvanized – the sheet is protected against corrosion in the hot-dip galvanizing process. In this type, we have the option of painting with paint for metal
- with a polyester coating – usually it is already finished with a zinc coating. Polyester-coated sheet metal is most often used in residential construction
- aluzinc – the sheet is covered with an alloy of aluminum and zinc with a small addition of silicon. It is characterized by long-term corrosion resistance. It has better properties than galvanized trapezoidal sheet .
Trapezoidal sheets are also characterized by the height of the trapezoidal profile. We distinguish the following profiles:
- T-6 trapezoidal sheet (6 mm profile)
- T-7 trapezoidal sheet (7 mm profile) most often used as a soffit sheet
- trapezoidal sheet T-8 (profile 8 mm) one of the most popular. Sheets of this profile are used for smaller roofing for smaller and large-area buildings, e.g. carports, garages, gazebos, halls
- trapezoidal sheet T-14 (profile 14 mm) is also popular with a sheet with a 14 mm profile. It is used for facades, gates or roof soffit
- trapezoidal sheet T-18 (profile 18 mm) they are recommended for roofs with an angle of inclination not less than 9 degrees
- T-20 trapezoidal sheet (20 mm profile)
- T-35 trapezoidal sheet (35 mm profile) is a replacement for T-55 sheet with a slightly lower profile. This sheet is mainly used on large span roofs. Mainly in service, industrial and commercial facilities
- T-45 trapezoidal sheet (45 mm profile)
- T-55 trapezoidal sheet (55 mm profile) is a rigid sheet. It is used on roofs with a very large span, especially in the construction of industrial, commercial or service facilities. It is a rigid sheet of high strength
We can distinguish types of sheets also in terms of their size, manufacturers of trapezoidal sheets give customers a huge choice in this respect. These sheets are available in widths from 50 cm to 160 cm, and the length of the aluminum trapezoidal sheet can be up to 7 m, in the case of steel it is even 12 m.
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Trapezoidal sheet and surface area
Because the trapezoidal sheet is light, it will also work well with large, preferably straight, surfaces. For medium-sized buildings, a sheet with a profile up to 35 mm high is recommended. Higher profiles, from 80 to 200 mm, are used in buildings with large roof structures. We are talking about buildings such as: warehouses or production halls, shopping malls or multi-family houses.
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Features of the trapezoidal sheet
First of all, trapezoidal sheet for the roof is an economical material, especially when we have to cover larger areas, the price of trapezoidal sheet can play a decisive role. Secondly, it is corrosion resistant, so it will serve for many years. Thirdly, it is light. 1 m² of trapezoidal sheet with a core thickness of 0.5 mm weighs only 5 kg, so it is perfect for covering both smaller and larger roofs.
No complicated assembly required. They talk about the features of the trapezoidal sheet, the fact that it is “noisy” should be mentioned. Noisiness of sheet metal can be a nuisance, which should be taken into account at the design stage of the building. This effect can be limited to some extent by insulation made of mineral wool, which suppresses noise well.
What sheet metal for what roof
Choosing the right sheet metal is of great importance. For medium-sized residential buildings, trapezoidal sheet metal coated with polyester with a T-35 profile is recommended. The larger the area, the larger the profile sheet should be used. This sheet will work well with a roof with a steeper slope. We can also use the T-55 profile interchangeably in this case.
If you decide to cover the gazebo or garages, the best solution is the T-18 trapezoidal sheet.
The price of sheet metal with different profiles
Manufacturers of trapezoidal sheet offer customers a large selection of products, starting from its size, through the height of the profiles, thickness and the type of sheet covering. Below are the prices according to the height of the profile.
The cheapest is the T-8 sheet, the cost of covering a m2 starts from PLN 20. Covering with T-12 and T-18 profiles is an average cost of PLN 30. For a similar amount, we will cover the roof with the T-35 profile.
The exact prices depend on the type of coating, material and even color.
All the above features perfectly show why the trapezoidal sheet has become such a popular roofing material. The younger sister of the corrugated sheet won the hearts of Poles and no wonder. It is a material that can be used to cover even very large surfaces in an easy and quick way. The favorable price is a huge advantage. Manufacturers offer a large selection both in size and color, the most popular is the brown trapezoidal sheet. When choosing, follow our tips and you will definitely choose the perfect sheet for you.